Debate My Professors
- Full Stack Solo Project
- React | Flask
- A clone of the website Rate My Professors populated by historical academics.
- Designed a PostgreSQL database in production utilizing SQLAlchemy in development and leveraging the
random module in Python to generate thousands of professors/courses and reviews.
- Used RESTful API conventions with Flask on the backend and React on the frontend to create efficient
and standardized routes, ensuring seamless data flow through the application.
- Added a debate feature using aggregate review data, allowing users to simulate a DnD style debate.
- Created a search function accessing the Redux state to return results based on dynamic user input.
- Live Link
- GitHub Repo
- Full Stack Group Project
- React | Flask
- A clone of the website Robinhood.
- Employed version control via GitHub to collaborate with two other team members, using a modular approach to separate project features while maintaining best practices for Agile workflow
- Implemented price charts with the Chart.js package to render dynamic graphs of stock prices.
- Incorporated the Finnhub API to display updated information about financial assets.
- Live Link
- GitHub Repo
NYC Yellow Taxi Analysis
- Data Analysis Project
- Pandas | DuckDB | Power BI
- Exploration and analysis of the profitability of taxi operation in NYC.
- Extracted data for 38 million taxi rides from 2023 to a Parquet file using DuckDB.
- Transformed data through exploratory data analysis, cleaning, and imputation with Pandas.
- Loaded dataset into a Power BI dashboard to provide insights into taxi analytics.
- Created a report detailing recommendations for most profitable pickup neighborhoods and times using a KPI based on fare and trip duration.
- Live Link
- GitHub Repo